CSK all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja became the call for RCB, yet Virat Kohli is happy, know the reason

Virat Kohli-led Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) may have lost in the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2021 match on Sunday to a stunning all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja’s last over, but Indian captain Virat Kohli has nothing to complain about. Not only this, Virat Kohli was happy to see such batting by Ravindra Jadeja as he is also eyeing the T20 World Cup to be held later this year. RCB suffered a 69-run defeat against Chennai Super Kings (CSK) on Sunday.
Kohli said after the match, ‘Everyone can see his (Jadeja) ability. I am very happy to see him perform with bat and ball and on the field. He said, ‘After two months he will play for the Indian team and it is always a pleasure to see your main all-rounder doing well with the bat. When he plays well and is full of confidence, it gives many opportunities. Kohli also supported his fast bowler Harshal Patel, who lost a record 37 runs in the final over, raising the Chennai Super Kings team to a big score.
CSK’s team were on a score of 154 for four before the final over, but Jadeja added 37 runs in the final over of Harshal for four consecutive five sixes in the final over. Kohli said, ‘Harshal bowled well and we will continue to support him. We will give him the responsibility, he dismissed both the frozen batsmen.
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