What are the options for Cristiano Ronaldo?

And speaker senior reporter Melissa Reddy Ronaldo’s what are the now 1 and even is a little bit and realistic is spotting you know the manager there has spoken about what it remix would be focused on the romantic story line it would create how much of an upper left it would give the club commercially but stole his wages are out of the ROM 7s he is willing to take a significant financial hits you know that even seems out of the equation they said it it seems impossible to make that happen you had Napoli ruling out for him you had by answering his a fantastic player with the fantastic now she would probably that uses to being really intrigued by the proposition of having a at Stamford Bridge we know that Thomas to kal did not want a method that was part of the production with the new owner and why he’s no longer in situ now I am also is no really wanting Cristiano Ronaldo as part of his plan to build a program Time table the progressive and dynamic chal seaside moving poet and really what what Chelsea were interested and stream by was the brand Ronaldo the social media following is equal to b then you markets open the mouth it was really the essence of Ronaldo play and and this concept of being guaranteed girls so se actually buy this interview is humus not have very many options so it doesn’t have a strong hand to play which is why he is going out on the offensive Trance control the storyline trying to United aware of his contract and give him the agency of a freedom and maybe his things in the variable in typescript for the but I don’t think you give this interview and furnish your Legacy and Burn bridges if you do have a strong negotiating and and if you do have thumbs lining up to sign you up Melissa If you have a strong negotiating and enough to have cubs lining up to sign you up would think his next it is especially one in the formative months of his reign who is trying to create a new culture quiz book the rest of the square on side really if you think that all of the interviews the place of Dun Fernandez all the senior players have spoken about discipline is installed the standard C section how info in today’s there is zero way back Kanha Gan Ronaldo to his credit has tried by all means to do with Ronaldo in the best possible by not and tiger nising him and also why not try and it becomes position of his not for sale that stems from the summer I was trying to balance you know the past he is trying to create for it and also not undermine United not wanting to sell Ronaldo and wanting to have a strong negotiating point in the essence of handle the situation he would have been a lot more aggressive and a lot more or less than 10 hard has been and I think moving forward that now the only option for both the manager and the club you cannot have a player doing what Ronaldo’s just under this interview and on to everything else Odia with the structure and his ghost you are looking The fact and and she started Any other point beyond its seriously seriously seriously hot this was not supposed to be a summer world cup and I don’t think I’ve even in summer conditions around your the humidity is staggering 6 days to go but still not really an influx of there’s a lot of service sector in Tamil from other areas of the world to assess Katha in Telugu list World Cup trying to put on the best face but it’s not escape the fact that it’s Tulsi work is willing away in these conditions can be worked in a doing any sort of manual labour the source of fibre that it’s it’s really impossible to do self perfume minutes let alone actually to real serious crop tenets so that its for being here because we don’t really know what to expect we don’t know what the atmosphere is going to be like in quite a bit of culture that used to having an influx of people comment a lot of going to be out and about in and joint experience brings when a limited when they getting told to be mindful of this and that beautiful Poland football fans you Chalisa engaged in an intelligent when they go to its environment so much so waiting to see in figure out how it’s all going to shape of unlock have you wanna first.