What should you feel about Qatar hosting the FIFA World Cup

What should you feel about Qatar hosting the FIFA World Cup?
The FIFA World Cup kicks off on the 20th of November for the first time ever the Mega Sporting event is being hosted by an Arab country.
The Chosen One this is where it is located on the map that is a constitutional monarchy. it is home to round 2.6 million people 85% of home of foreign workers and only 15% of citizens 99% 23 is living cities is official religion is Islam which country has the world’s fourth highest GDP in the world now not everyone was happy when Qatar won the bid to host the world cup count was made in 2010 soon questions for load including questions of possible kickbacks in 2014 and investigation was opened.
Bidding for the FIFA World Cup 2022
The idea was to bribe FIFA officials to win the bet, the investigation and I did several senior FIFA official letters used to be the President of FIFA. In the bidding for the 2022 World Cup has now been banned from football for life, choosing the host was the mistake. Blood cells were chosen as the result of pressure. It begins with countries bidding to host the world cup which usually takes place seven years before the competition but this is not set in stone a window of three to four weeks is then given to complete the application. FIFA has a few requirements that the bidders must meet, for example the country must also be willing to put in a certain amount of investment and build a certain number and kind of stadium.
FIFA then evaluate each B the process involved storing each country then comes the big. what it is an electronic vote earlier only, the executive committee would Khas them and it but now it’s been open to all members associations to win a bidder must get a majority of the votes sepp blatter said that the 2022 World Cup was handed to Qatar because there was pressure from Francis. Then president Nicolas sarkozy Oz got Game here here’s what the former President of US Michelle Platina till the garden back in 2013 and coating I knew sarkozy want to the people from Qatar to buy PS3 understood that sarkozy supported the candidature of Qatar no blood cells were told me he had been invited to Daly City Palace French president sarkozy had just had lunch with the Crown Prince of Kotha sarkozy set to see what you and your college from UEFA can do for Qatar when the world cup is awarded there are some who believe that consider being chosen to host.
The world cup is downright absurd why because the world cup usually kicks off in June by Catherine junior scorching temperatures reach 43 degrees celsius in other words it’s not ideal match temperature so fifa had to move the tournament. it is now being held in November and December this is not been easy on the football calendar domestic leaves have had to be moved so that couples can host the world cup people also point that cutters Football history and there is none historically has never been a football country and so it’s not surprising that concert did not even have football infrastructure which country has now spend 220 billion dollars to build Stadium hotels and other facilities think about that 220 billion dollars not just for comparison South Africa spent 3.
History of FIFA World Cup
A historically has never been a football country and so it’s not surprising that country did not even have football infrastructure the country has now spend 220 billion dollars to build Stadium hotels and other facilities think about that 220 billion dollars not just for comparison South Africa Spain 3.5 billion dollars to prepare itself for the 2010 World Cup one can help us why did kutta need to host. The games what was a compulsion what does Karta have to give from the world cup quite a lot actually there’s profit and then there is a let’s talk money first the 2018 World Cup was held in Russia. it rate in 5.36 billion dollars in revenue also 3.5 billion dollars in profits, while FIFA pocketed most affect the revenue coming into the host country through spending that hotels restaurants and sports tourism is undeniable but this isn’t all that same thing for cut her and I will tell you are estimates say that the 2022 World Cup will at 17 billion dollars to the country revenue. The country has already spending way more than that some 220 billion dollars like I mentioned according to one estimate the number at 300 billion dollars has built 7 new Stadium and new metro system linking the stadium 100 new hotels near new airport hospitality Centre shopping centres and many other facilities 300 billion dollars even a forth to spend that much of cost the high income countries has the world’s.
Third largest natural gas reserves also the world’s third largest Oil reserves is among the world’s largest exporter of liquefied natural gas sources not just profits that cancer is betting on it’s the PR did you know the world cup is the world’s most watched Sporting events 3.6 billion People watch the world cup in Russia 3.6 billion imagine that critics say that. I want to use this via ship this pr2 sports wash let me explain sports washing is when individuals groups of countries use sports to improve their reputation to put it simply when a country uses sports as a propaganda it is called sports washing Saudi Arabia has been accused of sports for sharing by hosting the Grand Prix China has been accused of sports for showing you know by hosting the Beijing winter Olympics coming back to my original question why does couple need.
The FIFA World Cup 2022 will it helps the games will modernize the country’s image make it a business destination for with the likes of the bye ever since she announced into the 2022 World Cup venue kutta has twins formed in controversies first there are allegations of labour abuse in 2016 Amnesty International claimed that migrant workers who flew down to Qatar to build the world cup infrastructure are being kept and filthy conditions base salaries are being withheld and they are being forced to pay recruitment face responded to this report by passing the law in 2017 it cuts back the working hours for migrant workers improve their living conditions and protect them from working in scorching heat in 2021 the Human Rights what said nothing has changed that migrant workers are still having their weight was withheld still working long hours and under oppressive conditions.
Kotha responded to this report by passing law in 2017 it cut back the working hours for migrant workers improve their living conditions and protect them from working in scorching heat in 2021 the Human Rights watch said nothing has changed that migrant workers are still having their weight is withheld their still working long hours and under oppressive conditions in 2021 a report said 6500 workers had died in Qatar since it had won its World Cup b reset the number is misleading labour abuse is one issue the criminalization of h************ and other same sex relations are legal in Qatar and syncrude finds prison sentences even death by stoning but what happens to the lgbtq + fans flying down to cut her for the matches will World Cup organisers say everyone is welcome but kutta 2022 chief executive natural Catherine says that fans will have to quote on court respect of culture also I will not change its laws and h************ earlier this week World Cup Ambassador called h************ damage in the mind no should all of this affect you Rush Hour 2 does not recognise same-sex unions Russia to has a history of human rights violations but the world cup hosted was regarded as one of the best in history so what should you feel about Qatar 2022 political statement during games and matches some of you may remember that following the death of George Floyd in America NBA players took the need to protest racial injustice you see it’s wrong to say that moral accountability ends with sports because it does not and stop less know this in fact captains of Belgium Denmark France Germany have already planned to wear Rainbow armbands in Qatar in support of inclusive IT I What about you the fans should you boycott Qatar 2022 or embrace it or be indifferent to it the Football world cup happens once in 4 years it will be a Sporting spectacle there will be some great game great football so it will be a pity to block it from your TV what will you be able to watch the matches without thinking about the Human Rights abuses in Qatar thing to do would be to separate your feelings about Qatar from your love for football that said we believe to each his own you and you alone should decide how you should feel about the Qatar World Cup is the best Foundation the person knows the now everybody is talking about it because it can I host the single biggest for an event Honours the FIFA World Cup in which year.